
by Tristin Grizel Dean profile

Slice of life

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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Cabin in the woods, July 3, 2021
by jakomo
Related reviews: parsercomp2021

A beautiful audio-visual experience, with a haunting piano tune accompanying fantastic monochrome woodcut-style illustrations (some even animated). I played the "emotional" story (there are three to choose from), in which you cook a recipe in anticipation of your sibling's visit to your log cabin, dealing with the loss of a loved one in fragments through the process. Snowhaven builds a superb wilderness atmosphere while providing a thoughtful study of the player-character. It's let down by at least one bug that blocks progress: it's impossible to get the carrots from the storage locker, and typing HELP tells you that you can use the HINT command, but doing so gives you "This game doesn't use 'hints'". Presumably there is a way to catch the meat for the stew but I couldn't find any bait, or any clues about how to acquire the bait? I look forward to returning to this after the promised "major updates".

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Grizel, July 5, 2021 - Reply
Hi Jakomo,

I just updated my game to fix the carrot-locker bug :) Sorry you ran into that problem.

kaemi, July 3, 2021 - Reply
If you're curious for the answer: (Spoiler - click to show)Presuming you're talking about the emotive story. You get carrots by digging for them, not from the locker. You get the rabbit meat by making a rabbit snare by chopping down a tree to get wood, then making a snare, then getting rope from the boat, then tying the rope around the snare, then putting the snare in front of the rabbit holes. Go away for a little bit and when you come back there should be a rabbit caught in it. I may not be remembering the steps 100% perfectly but that's the idea.
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