The Best of the Best

Recommendations by bluevelvetwings

Whether because of amazing writing, immersive plot, unique atmosphere, or whatever else, these are the games I personally consider the best IF has to offer.

Note: I'm pretty big on psychological games and horror, so most of these are... uncomfortable to play, at points. Still, I heartily recommend all of them.

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1. Anchorhead
by Michael Gentry
Average member rating: (384 ratings)

bluevelvetwings says:

The first long, plot-heavy IF I ever played, it remains a favorite to this day.

2. Vespers, by Jason Devlin (2005)
Average member rating: (172 ratings)
bluevelvetwings says:

Very thoughtful, frightening, and unique.

3. Calm
by Joey Jones and Melvin Rangasamy
Average member rating: (17 ratings)

bluevelvetwings says:

Not just my favorite IF of all time, but one of my favorite universes of all time.

4. One Eye Open
by Caelyn Sandel (as Colin Sandel) and Carolyn VanEseltine
Average member rating: (45 ratings)

bluevelvetwings says:

Huge, thought-provoking, with just the right amount of disturbing imagery. Has a ton of replay value despite the length of the game.

5. The Abyss
by dacharya64
Average member rating: (18 ratings)

bluevelvetwings says:

This isn't a very interactive game, but it's... very, very good. I'll leave it at that.

6. Coloratura
by Lynnea Glasser
Average member rating: (109 ratings)

bluevelvetwings says:

A gorgeous, amazingly implemented game. The ending nearly made me cry.

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