Polls with votes for Augmented Fourth

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long games for beginners - 16 votes for 9 games; created March 31, 2023
A poll by Cygnus
so… you know how savior fair is long and awesome, but also, like, complicated? and.. cruel, as the ratings out it? I think the first...

One Hit Wonders - 39 votes for 21 games; created May 11, 2019
A poll by deathbytroggles
Good games by authors who apparently retired after their one gem.

The great puzzlefests - 121 votes for 50 games; created August 9, 2018
A poll by Victor Gijsbers
Playing Curses!, I started wondering which games belong to the canon of great puzzlefests. With this term I mean puzzle based games that...

I am looking for games that involve exploring and collecting objects but don’t involve horror or creepy themes - 11 votes for 7 games; created June 25, 2018
A poll by Brennen Kinch
fore example games that involve keys and things that unlock other parts of the game that don’t involve creepy things such as ghost and...

Games with Books/Bookshelves/Libraries - 47 votes for 32 games; created May 13, 2016
A poll by Andrew Schultz
I'm interested in games with lots of books you can read through. Maybe it's just a lot of cool titles and authors. Maybe they're randomly...

Vast but not Cruel - 37 votes for 13 games; created December 10, 2012
A poll by Floating Info
I'd like to see games that are long and spacious, yet aren't Cruel (or very Nasty) on the Zarfian scale. Essentially, games that the main...

The Modern Zorkalikes - 19 votes for 11 games; created June 2, 2012
A poll by Ghalev
My desire is straightforward, but proving difficult to satisfy. I want games that are like the Zork games might have been, given a more...

A poll for games which aren't normally on polls. - 32 votes for 18 games; created April 10, 2012
A poll by Pinstripe
There are some games which are ubiquitous. A poll for funny, happy games? Lost Pig will be there. A poll for beautiful, dramatic games?...

Games with good magic system - 48 votes for 18 games; created December 7, 2011
A poll by RedHatter
I'm looking for some games with a good magic system. Doesn't have to be at brilliant as Savoir-Faire but consistency would be nice.

forgotten gems - 57 votes for 27 games; created October 25, 2011
A poll by Marius Müller
I'm looking for games that don't show up in the IF histories or recommended lists, for what reason whatsover. Old games that maybe...

Best IF Titles - 175 votes for 57 games; created February 13, 2011
A poll by Fredrik
No doubt you have played some great games with great titles, or been disappointed to find games with great titles that did not hold up to...

Solved without Hints - 210 votes for 113 games; created July 16, 2010
A poll by joncgoodwin
I'm very interested in hearing truthful accounts of at least somewhat difficult games (or games that don't solve themselves at least)...

Fast-paced action scenes - 47 votes for 26 games; created May 28, 2010
A poll by Juhana
Fast-paced action is something that's notoriously hard to do in IF where waiting for player's input necessarily pauses the game every...

Birds in IF - 87 votes for 54 games; created November 8, 2009
A poll by Wendymoon
What games can you think of with birds in them? What's the bird? Is it important to the game?

Games that include a maze you would describe as 'hey, actually fun' - 49 votes for 25 games; created July 16, 2009
A poll by Jeremy Freese
Everybody always dissing mazes in IF. What are the games that prove them wrong?

Games that most resemble an Infocom work - 69 votes for 23 games; created October 10, 2008
A poll by David Cornelson
If you've played a game that "feels" like an Infocom game, add it to the list.

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